Sport Consulting

Our flagship.
200% in every single detail.

“Improve your speed is our obsession!”

Boat optimizing

We rely on the best optimizers and shipyards with experience in the field of regattas to improve the performance of your foils in water and on the certificate. In short, a symmetrical boat, with more performing foils, better hydrodynamics and an excellent certificate.

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Choosing the best equipment according to the regatta type will save you time and money by making the equipment use easier. Request our consultancy service on instruments’ installation, for calibration, development and creation of polars and targets. A way to keep track of your performances, to build precise and reusable parameters on how to conduct your boat.

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Is your boat not fast enough? Request our tuning service. We will create a tuning guide that we’ll leave with the boat, with the most suitable settings for all weather and sea conditions. In this way you always have the correct mast setup minimising errors. Go faster, tighten the angle and lead easily.

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Do not stop after calibrating the instrumentation. Request this service now to keep track of the boat’s performance throughout the entire season. Data of immeasurable importance to improve targets and polars, to touch up the sailchart and why not, to define the value of new sails, the speed of the helmsmen and trimmers or the changes made to the mast and foils.

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Let Phi!Number take care of the IRC – ORC tonnage for your boat, so as not to leave anything to chance, even in the rating. We will think of logistics, relationships with the measurers, and the official requests to be presented to the specific institutions, managing the entire organization in full.

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The best prices and the experience of Phi!Number’s guaranteed suppliers for rigging, ropes and sheets, halyards, deck layout, dolphin strikers and running rigging. Helping and advising you in the best choice.

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No quayside rumours. A proven professional procedure will decide the best performing, long lasting and best price sails, putting suppliers to the race. The best way to achieve excellence, to understand what you are buying, to inquire about new materials and construction techniques of each sailmaker. To save money by making the best choice immediately.

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“Happy crews makes boats faster.”

Analysis and crew recruiting

We find, organize and select the crew for your regattas among hundreds of professional sailors. The goal is to make a difference within your team from both a technical and human point of view.

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We give you an advice. Having a team on the ground to manage all the problems related to logistics (ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, reservations of dedicated chef restaurants, management of the van and cars) relieves the crew of much responsibility and, above all, does not detract from the focus on the regatta. Quite convenient! By now, necessary to teams at any level.

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We discover the best top-level amateurs for your sailing team, with the aim to grow-up together. Tell us which role you need to fill on board and we’ll take care of everything!

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Room for improvement? Work on it!
Is your crew a mixed configuration between top-level amateurs and pro-sailors? With the help of the best professionals and coaches we are available to train your crew taking care of the whole team or focusing on a particular role.

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Clinics >

“Only the beauty of your passion. Enjoy it without worries.”

Logistics and service pre/post regatta

Optimising time and costs is a guarantee of greater performance on water.
Before regattas we take care of the reservations of the best hotels, apartments, restaurants, land and water vehicles for hire, and the berth in the most convenient position: for the crew, for guests, and for the most pleasant stay for your sponsors.
And the final say is always yours!

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Suppliers management for merchandising and gadgets with relative reserved discounts, for the best racing and quay gears (on a technical and aesthetic level) from the best sailing brands, and for any flags or stickers to be applied on the hull/sails.
We will take care of everything! From the design to the construction phases.

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The utmost professionalism at the best price and the guarantee of safety for transfers with the crew, by sea or by cargo ship, and by road for trailerable boats.
L’ormeggio sarà inoltre prenotato nel posto barca migliore possibile per l’equipaggio, per eventuali ospiti dello sponsor e per un soggiorno più gradevole possibile.

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The most suitable spending plan for your sailing dream maintaining the highest quality. We will take into account every little expense. Yours and your sponsor’s ones. Handing in periodic reports, in a crystal clear and simple way. What we’ll manage to make you save, can  be invested in your future sailing project.

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“Sport industry specialists for your sailing image.”

Servizi marketing

Creating interest in followers is essential to finding new ones, to attract new sponsors while keeping those already present happy. We have chosen the best web and communication experts to create and manage the video/photo/text content of your online networks.

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Reception and management of any guests desired by the sponsors and / or the team, where the events are taking place.
Water vehicles to closely watch the team in action. Life experience on the racing boat during the day-off. Attend any social events and press conferences with journalists. All through the study of a coordinated and recognizable image.
We will take care of everything. You just have to enjoy the live show.

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Sponsorships >

Team building >

– Pianificazione e organizzazione di conferenze stampa.
– Creazione di redazionali sulle più importanti testate di settore e di comunicati stampa da divulgare nel web.
– Gestione della comunicazione con le più importanti redazioni tv, radio e carta stampata.
– Realizzazione della rassegna stampa finale.

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Pianifichiamo il piano di spesa definendo da subito i ruoli nella comunicazione, sulla base degli obiettivi commerciali e pubblicitari tuoi e del tuo sponsor.
Un modo per soddisfare le esigenze di entrambi, inducendo il rapporto di collaborazione rinnovarsi e a durare nel tempo.

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Guarda anche:
Sponsorizzazioni >
Team building >

“Training beats talent. Ten to zero.”

Technical training

An articulated training course both on land and water, directly at your sailing club or at affiliated structures, on board of technical one-design or directly on your boat.
Tell us your doubts and gaps, the things you would like to improve on, we will carry out a growth program for you and your crew, specially built on your needs,.

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Click here to learn more about the topics of our seminars – developed in collaboration with the sailing champions and best sailing technicians – and satisfy all your questions.

Phi!Mental >

Phi!Navig >

Phi!Rating >

Phi!Setup >

Phi!Sleep >

Phi!Speech >

Phi!Tactics >